Saturday, March 20, 2010

Weight Loss Success Strategies - The Sad Secret That Diet Developers Will Not Tell You

by H Woolston

Inside every dieter lurks the potential for his or her own failure. It has got nothing to do with will power or desire. It doesn't even matter what diet you are on. The saboteur I am referring to is hiding inside your very body right now, just waiting to ruin your weight loss plans and put back those pounds you so valiantly took off.

What is the name of this culprit? It is called the ghrelin hormone.

If you have never heard of ghrelin, don't feel bad. Most diet developers do not want you to know anything about it. Their focus is less on health and fitness and more about fast results. Knowing you will probably gain weight back actually serves their agenda well. And that agenda is to keep you returning for more and more of the programs and supplements they offer.

Ghrelin is secreted naturally by the stomach, in both men and women, regardless of age. It has two important functions: To stimulate appetite, and to slow metabolism down. The result of these two actions is an increase in the likely storage of fat.

Whether you were aware of it or not, the levels of this hormone in your stomach tend to spike before meals. They then fall as soon as your stomach is full. In clinical studies, subjects given ghrelin injections became extremely hungry. They were observed eating much more than usual if food was plentiful - at a buffet, for example.

Scientists at the University of Washington have been conducting research to discover how the release of ghrelin can be stimulated or suppressed. One of their early findings is that levels of the hormone increase quite substantially following a period of rapid weight loss.

It is quite possible that this phenomenon gave early humans an evolutionary advantage. To protect against future famine, our bodies encourage weight gain after weight loss. The problem, of course, is that in terms of modern health and fitness, this trigger is no longer required.

Someday, it may be possible to block the release of ghrelin with medications. Research is ongoing. But fortunately, there is something that can be done right now to stop this hormone from upsetting your weight-loss progress.

As it turns out, gradual, slow loss of weight does not activate the ghrelin response the same way quick weight loss does. The researchers recommend setting your daily caloric levels in line with the target weight you seek to maintain. Your system will adapt, no hormonal spikes will occur, and you will be able to lose weight once and keep it off thereafter. Health and fitness will be yours.

Want some help to lose weight or stubborn stomach fat? There are lots of helpful suggestions and great information available at

The ideas, suggestions and 100% free weight loss course presented there might just help get your body working to lose that extra stomach fat fast for you and lessen your cravings during the process!

H Woolston

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