Saturday, March 20, 2010

Ultimate Weight Loss Foods

by Jacob Daniel

For busy and uncommitted overweight individuals who want to lose weight, a tireless way for you to walk the slimmer road is to change your eating habits just a little bit to the greener side. Tastefulness does not have to be sacrificed when you are on a weight loss diet because there are yummy foods that delightfully promote weight loss and here are 5 of them:

1. The rich in antioxidant Grapefruit which is the center of the all popular grapefruit juice diet. Studies have shown that grapefruit can effectively aid weight loss especially when incorporated in your daily diet. Watch how your pounds are being shed by eating at least half a grapefruit before meals. Grapefruit is one of the ultimate weight loss foods as it contains cancer fighting properties such as liminoids and lycopene.

2. Another prime beverage that contains cleansing properties and skin clearing ingredients aside from weight loss effects is the almighty Green Tea. Green tea for slimming purposes are widely available in the market it stimulates metabolism for faster calorie burning processes. Aside from that, Green Tea is rich in substances that strengthen the heart, promote healthy digestion and regulates blood glucose levels in your system. Additionally, the theanine content in Green Tea can help you calm your mind and have a peaceful outlook.

3. Pumpkins are types of squash vegetables that aid in weight loss greatly due to its high fiber content and low calorie count. Pumpkin is a delicious and healthy vegetable rich in numerous vitamins and minerals that help you lose weight while improving your skin.

4. Believe it or not, Sardines is a delicious and tasty food that aids greatly in losing weight. Sardines are well known for the omega-3 fatty acids that reduce cholesterol levels in your blood. The protein rich Sardines will get you full in no time thus you will not fall for overeating or food cravings after you eat this delicious fish and affordable fish food.

5. Extra Lean Grass Fed Beef is jampacked with healthy protein, the building blocks of cells and tissues which is responsible for your metabolism as well. Proteins give you a full feeling after consumption and reduce the risk of overeating. Extra lean beef also contains omega-3 fatty acids to help your heart fight against toxins and high cholesterol levels.

Incorporating the above mentioned sumptuous foods in your daily meals can get your family healthy, wealthy and wise. Invest on a good and nutritious diet so you can lose weight effectively while keeping your body well maintained and up to its prime condition.

Daniel has been writing articles online for nearly 4 years now. It's one of his passions.. Not only does this author specialize in health, fitness and clothing, you can also check out his latest project on buy wii fitness which reviews and lists the top buy wii fit games and some other top selling products.

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